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Happy Book Birthday to Bethany Crandell and her debut SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS!

Bethany and I have been friends for I don't know how long. I adore her and I love her funny, quirky books--yes, I'm so lucky to be one of her beta readers. I got to read SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS before it was published by Running Press, and I immediately fell in love with the characters and the story. For my review, click here (it's on my Wordpress blog. Don't ask me why I have two blogs. I think I may have been sleep-deprived--wait, I'm always sleep-deprived. Never mind. :D )

Anyway, this is Bethany. I call her Shakira-goat. Heh. Isn't she lovely?

And this is her book:

And this is basically how I was while reading her book:

So, do yourself a favor and get thee to a bookstore, or an online bookstore and buy her book! Because everybody needs a little bit of laughter in their lives, right?

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And if you see Bethany, whether in real life or on Twitter, or on Facebook, or while visiting her blog, tell her hello and congrats for making her dream happen. :)

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